Tag: Online

Tips For Taking Your Business Online – Build It, Optimize It, Spread The Word

With more new businesses popping up every day, it is getting harder and harder for business owners to build their brand, get themselves noticed and grow. With the start of this New Year, now is a great time for business owners to analyze their strategies for growth and push forward in a direction that offers the most return on their investment. The opportunities for growth are always greater where there is a larger number of potential customers and with more and more people using the internet on both desktop and mobile devices, it is by far the most probable place for acquiring new business.

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Crear Una Tienda Online

Dicen que está de moda emprender, pero en realidad creo que no es una moda, es una necesidad. El aumento del desempleo, jornadas laborales largas, sueldos miserables y pocas expectativas de ascenso y desarrollo, hacen que muchos de nosotros salgamos de nuestra zona de confort y hagamos nuestros propios negocios.

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