Reasons Why Keeping Your Word Will Improve Your Life

Reasons Why Keeping Your Word Will Improve Your Life

If keeping your word is a value and a non-negotiable for you, it will lead to better life experiences. Although it sounds like a simple idea, it is an area in which we can fail on a recurring basis. So it is essential to assess how we can improve.
What does it mean to keep your word? It is doing what you say you will do. It is accepting to fulfill a commitment; we could think of it as a verbal contract between two people. If we value our word the same way as a written contract, it would be easier to do what we agreed to. When we do not keep our word, there are many consequences that we can suffer. • Missed opportunities • Damaged relationships • Having a reputation as an unreliable person • Feeling guilt or remorse • Conflict with others Knowing these costs should make us aware of what we say or agree to. Five (5) reasons why keeping your word will improve your life.
When we become a person who keeps his word, we will create new experiences 1. You will develop a higher level of self-confidence: A higher level of self-confidence means self-esteem, respect, and personal integrity. If we trust ourselves, people are more likely to charge us, and therefore we trust others more. 2. You will deepen your relationships with others: Our relationship with others reflects our relationship with ourselves. The good thing is that as we improve our relationship with ourselves, we will create more robust and more solid relationships with others. 3. You won’t have to deal with regret or guilt: When we do what we say, we won’t have to deal with guilt or shame. This will help reflect a better attitude and additionally improve our mental state. 4. You will be more careful with your words: When we are more aware of the terms we use, there will be clear interpretation and understanding. This will also help us to be more explicit with communication. 5. You will be more selective about what you agree to do: When we firmly keep our word, decision-making becomes more accessible. We will know what to say yes to and what to say no to. Ways to improve keeping your word.