All speakers want a connection with the audience. This can sometimes be complex because not all audiences are the same. It would be great if your audience listened carefully to every word you have to say. If possible.
There are many ways to connect with your audience. Some are easy, and your audience will be closer to you without it being too obvious.
1. Respond To What You See
Some speakers are very focused on themselves when they are on stage. Many times they don’t do it intentionally. However, as the speakers want to do an excellent job so they focus on the job they feel is most important, the words and the slides. If you focus only on that part, you will lose your audience’s attention because there is no connection.
An excellent speaker must always be attentive to everything that happens in the room. Are people paying attention? Are they bored, are they engaged? And who seems to agree or disagree with you? Who laughs, and who doesn’t? Whether you feel the room agrees or not, please act accordingly.
2. Look At People A Little More
An essential tip is to look at all parts of the room and focus on a few people. You must be careful because they will feel neglected if you look at the audience a little. They think that you don’t see them. Really what you want is a real connection, look people in the eye, and you can look at a few more people. Not long, because it gets creepy, but long enough to make that connection. Get a smile; this will bring you closer.
3. Smile And Have Fun
Smiling is sometimes underestimated when speaking in public. Yet, your audience must feel like you if you want to connect. And if you never smile, how will they think they like you? When you show that you’re having fun on stage, the audience will become a part of it. And they will feel closer to you.
4. Get Personal
It would be best if you made any presentation you make personal. Since people link with you, not with the production. So as soon as you can personalize the display, this will bring you closer to your audience. This does not mean that you have to tell stories about yourself and your children all the time. It means you want to connect the presentation’s content with your personality. It shows the connection between you and what you are trying to convey. As a result, the audience will like you and your way of speaking more.
5. Refer To What They Already Know
If you talk about things people can’t relate to, you make it difficult for them. An example of this would be how you feel when you are part of a conversation between two people who speak a language you do not understand. You feel left out.
Always try to avoid making people feel left out. Even when talking about complex issues. The best way is to refer to things that people already know. If you refer to what people see, you give them confidence, and they will approach you.
6. Compliment Your Audience
Finally, a great way to connect with your audience is to congratulate them. Could you tell them how important they are? There are several parts where you can do this. For example, in the beginning, you can compliment them; during the talk, you can tell them that you see that they are an intelligent audience, and at the end, you can say that you enjoy their presence.