Tips For Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions
At the end of the year we always propose to make important changes for the following year, such as, for example, growing professionally, spending more time with the family, exercising, traveling more and having a more balanced diet. We all start the year with a clear goal in mind, but within a few days or weeks we fail in the attempt.
Here we are going to give you some tips to achieve your New Year’s resolutions.
1. Write Down Your Resolutions
There are many traditions and customs to welcome the new year, regardless of the belief or ritual you have on this date, start by writing down your resolutions and in front of each one describe how you would achieve them, for example, one resolution is to exercise more and the solution to this is to get up every morning to exercise, go for a run or sign up for the nearest gym. This way, you won’t have to think about how you would achieve it, by having the solution ready you will focus only on achieving it.
2. Read Them Frequently
Don’t lose sight of your goals, write them down on a piece of paper and stick them in a place that is always visible. A study showed that the simple act of putting your goals down on paper and having them in sight increases the possibility of achieving them by 42%. Stick them on your computer, the fridge, on your bedside table, on the bathroom mirror. Find a place that is part of your routine and you can read it every day. This way, you will have it in mind every morning until it becomes a habit in your daily life.
3. Start With Small Steps
Take it easy in the first few days or weeks. Start by setting realistic goals that you can achieve. The main reason why many people quickly give up is because they are too greedy. For example, if your goal is sports-related, don’t expect to run 10 kilometers on the first day. When you start with a goal that is not so ambitious, you will be able to progress and move on to the level you want.
4. Be Consistent
Try to constantly repeat your daily plan of goals for at least 21 days in a row so that it becomes a habit. After repeating it continuously and without pauses, you reach the point where you perform this action instinctively until it becomes part of your daily practice.
5. Define Small Goals
From the beginning, visualize your goal and to reach it, set small goals to be able to achieve it. For example, if your goal is to cook more at home, define how many days a week you are going to propose to do it and start little by little. You can start with 2 or 3 days a week that you will force yourself to do it. These will be small achievements that will help you create the habit and without realizing it, after a few weeks you will end up cooking every day at home.
6. Enjoy The Process
Many times we give up halfway because we believe that achieving goals is synonymous with a boring, limited and enslaving life. Achieving your goals should be a process that you enjoy to the fullest, being the opportune moment to get to know yourself mentally and physically, so give yourself small liberties so that the process is more bearable. To do this, define some days of the week where you can give yourself small rewards for the good work done and thus your goals will not become a burden in the long term. (SG)