How To Organize A Work Day
Here we are going to give you several tips to organize yourself at work without wasting time or energy in the process and reach the top of the job. We will give you several expert tricks to improve performance during the work day.
Classify Tasks According To Their Urgency
In professional activity, each task has its relevance and consequence. In multitasking jobs, it is essential to learn to classify according to importance to improve productivity. How many times have you put off something that has ended up being part of your overtime, right?
To avoid work piling up at the end of the day, you have to extract the crux of each activity. Dividing them into important and urgent will help you make a quick decision about what needs to be done first, what can be put on the agenda and what is not relevant at the moment.
Multitasking, Yes, But With Limits
Having several tasks at the same time is inevitable in many jobs. Experts mention that there are two possible antagonistic paths: that productivity increases by finishing several activities at the same time or that the employee ends up getting distracted and leaving many of them half done.
Your capacities will not be at 100% every day of the year, so if you notice that it is one of those “slow” days, do not get carried away by the stress and avoid multitasking as much as possible. There is a high probability that we will leave unfinished activities that will end up having repercussions. It is preferable to start a task, finish it and continue with the next one. Although it may seem like a slow method, the truth is that you will end up saving time and incidents and corrections caused by the distraction.
Set A Fixed Schedule
Following a more or less constant routine is important to avoid procrastinating or wasting time during work hours.
To manage time, you have to have everything structured, but realistically. Estimating the time each task takes helps you organize your day better, including or eliminating activities based on your daily schedule. Bearing in mind that unforeseen events will always arise, it is advisable to allow an extra margin of time of 10 to 15 minutes for each activity, so that it does not cause an irreparable disruption to your routine.
Give Time To Interruptions
It has been shown that after an interruption in work such as a call, it takes about 10 minutes to regain concentration on the task that you left halfway through. It is true that you cannot always prevent a call or an email, but you can plan the management of external agents.
Schedule checking emails at a specific time. Facing this as just another activity and not as an unexpected event helps to optimize the minutes you dedicate to it and not leave the task pending.
Weekly Planning
Dedicating one day a week to organizing your work schedule is difficult, but very useful in this organizational learning process. If you dedicate one day a week to this task, you can avoid daily reviews and planning for tomorrow. (SG)