It is possible to build great solutions with clients and prospects effectively, but the whole point of your sales career will depend on your knowledge of closing techniques. Attracting potential customers, making compelling calls, and creating value opportunities are essential. However, one of the most critical points is to close your deals on the spot promptly and effectively.
We put together a set of successful techniques to close as many deals as possible. Communicating with them when they need advice is essential to give the last push to the closing. Most plans have psychological underpinnings you need to know to use effectively. We’d like to explain the most common closing techniques we’d like to share with you.
1. Closing Display
It is essential to base the strategy on how the human brain works. When you help the prospect visualize what they’re buying and summarize it clearly, it’s easy for them to understand what they’re buying and why. Could you get them to see what you offer? Most people make decisions based on visual input data. A study says that the brain processes images 60,000 times faster than words. Therefore, you can reach the brain and hearts of your customers more quickly.
2. Puppy Nearby
This is one of the most straightforward techniques and, at the same time, very effective. To promote it, your prospects must try the product in some way. Possessing or trying what they like makes them happy, and you feel satisfied. As a result, they want to buy it from you.
3. Presumptive Closure
Assuming your sale will close is a powerful and very effective technique. This technique is based on the power of positive thinking; you must focus on making your dream come true; you must have tremendous possible confidence in your product and yourself. This technique is accompanied by a sentence where the closing is assumed to be a done deal. You can create a set of phrases of your authorship and refer to them when necessary. For example: What day would you like to receive your order?
4. Closed Question
A great way to apply this technique is to ask a series of probing questions during negotiations, remove all objections to the purchase, or close the sale with one question. The sales representative is the one who addresses objections. When questions are asked, it is a win-win situation. Questions drive people to action; this helps determine if your product appeals to your customers. For example: Is there anything stopping you from closing this deal today?
5. Close Of Analysis
Benjamin Franklin made his decisions: he created a list with two columns (pros and cons) and based his choice on the long list. When customers are overly analytical, this technique will work excellently by having the pros and cons list of your product ahead of time and finally giving your customers a chance to decide.
6. Now Or Never Close
To encourage those demanding customers who are still hesitating to buy, offer them unique benefits (discounts, gifts, bonuses, attractive quotes). The effectiveness of this technique is based on the following psychological mechanism: People are often afraid to commit, even if they want what you are offering. That is why you must simplify the decision-making process for them for their benefit. An example could be, “If you sign up today, I can offer you a 25% discount.”