Floreciendo Home Daycare Preschool / Damaris Garcia
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Nuestro objetivo principal en Floreciendo es apoyar a la niñez a desarrollar habilidades, sociales, emocionales, cognitivas, de lenguaje y motoras. Potencializar al máximo estas habilidades con el fin de que los niños lleguen a su autorrealización y enseñarlos a desarrollarlas individualmente y en grupo. Nuestra idea de disciplina es guiar y modelar el comportamiento deseado; usando la disciplina positiva. En floreciendo es fundamental trabajar de la mano con las familias para que la niñez florezca en todos sus dominios. Las maestras de floreciendo estamos certificadas en el desarrollo de los niños, contamos con experiencia en la educación infantil y trabajamos con entusiasmo, empatÃa y actitud positiva.
-El preescolar es dirigido por tres hermanas. Jessica Garcia, Griselda Garcia y Damaris Garcia.
-El cupo es limitado, nuestra capacidad solo es para 14 niños.
Our main objective in Floreciendo is to support children to develop social, emotional, cognitive, language and motor skills. Potentiate these skills to the maximum in order for children to reach their self-realization and teach them to develop them individually and in groups. Our idea of discipline is to guide and model desired behavior; using positive discipline.In flourishing, it is essential to work hand in hand with families so that childhood flourishes in all its domains. Teachers at Floreciendo are certified in child development, have experience in early childhood education, and work with enthusiasm, empathy, and a positive attitude.
The vision of flourishing is an integral development that inspires, guides and prepares children to succeed in a diverse society.
Our mission is to support children in developing their domains (social, emotional, linguistic, cognitive, and physical) in a fun yet academically structured way. Guiding them, inspiring them and inviting them to their self-realization and independence. Establishing trust and secure bonds. Putting their safety as a priority and working hand in hand with the families that trust us in order to achieve the maximum comprehensive potential of the children.
-Spanish immersion
-Working with ages 2-5
-We provide healthy snacks
-The home daycare is run by three sisters. Jessica Garcia, Griselda Garcia and Damaris Garcia.
-The space is limited, our capacity is only for 14 children.